Thursday 26 January 2012

Next Steps

Now that the examination revision has finished, we can focus solely on our coursework portfolio. Reviewing what we have done so far, we have decided that we need to make a few improvements to our variety of things.

 First of these things is our shot quality, as there are some shots that need to be improved to fit in naturally with the rest of the video, as well as sync up with the music track. There also needs to be more variety, which has been caused by both lack of shots planned and some shots going missing while uploading to the computer. To combat this, we plan to film a variety of new shots, including a close up of the bassist, to help provide a whole rotation of the band, as well as effective and high quality shots of all the band members close up with their instruments. We also plan to film a extreme close up of birth the Guitar and Bass guitar, to show the band playing them, mainly for the intro of the music video. This will help provide variety to the video, and is also a common convention in the punk rock genre, as the artists play their own instruments, allowing themselves to show off their playing to their fans.

We have also planned where and when to fit narrative shots into our music video, where the performance shots are weakest, but this may have to change when we acquire our new performance shots.

After this is done, we can progress forward to film and mould our narrative shots. Before we start this operation, we should research into similar music videos, to see the different ways we can tell the story, and how we can mix in it with our performance shots, using special effects. We will then have to storyboard our ideas out to provide an effective plan, to make sure the same mistake doesn't happen, and we get effective shots first time. The storyboard should include our ideas, what shot types we can use, and what locations we can film in. Providing a variety of opportunities to film will help us film faster and filming in more locations will help us provide the most effective shots.

While this is happening, during times when we are unable to film, we can focus on our Ancillary tasks. We have to create both a music CD and a poster promoting the single. This will be the way our track gets attention, and therefore will have to have a clear message about what genre and style it is, while attracting the target audience to our track. This again will require research into other bands methods, to see what ideas we can use and mix up. We can then perform several drafts and show it to people, and see if they can tell us what genre they think the track is, and how effective is the poster in attracting interest. We can then use this to improve and make a final draft. We can then do the same for the CD track.

In summary, over th next few months, we have to complete the following

1) Re-shoot some performance shots
2) Research into our narrative shots
3) Storyboard our Narrative ideas and filming locations
4) film the narrative shots
5) Research ideas for poster and music cd
6) plan ideas for poster and music cd
7) Make drafts and show them to fellow students for feedback
8) Re-draft and finish final poster.

Friday 20 January 2012

Auidence Theorists

When you look at your target audience, you need to recognise and adapt to the way they think, the consumer theorem. A few examples include

"The entire world's a stage and the men and the women are merely players."-This states that the audience is heavily manipulated and brainwashed to buy certain products, join certain trends, and perform activities they wouldn’t normally do. This could be used in something as harmless as product advertising, but also something as dangerous as politician propaganda.

THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE “The media is like a syringe which injects ideas, attitudes and beliefs into the audience who as a powerless mass, have little choice but to accept.” We get ideas about life from the things we watch, for example someone who watched something violent might go do something violent.

THE CULMINATION THEORY Watching one violent movie won’t affect or influence us, but years and years of watching violent material will make you less sensitive to violence, even to the point of embracing it.

TWO STEP FLOW Another argument suggests that the average human will experience a media product on their own, but will then join a mass group to discuss what they watched, and share opinions, which in turn can influence people in their own opinions about the piece.

USES AND GRATIFICATION THEORY We make the choices about what we watch, we also have certain expectations, we expect to be gratified by what we have watched. The types are as followed... Information Entertainment Personal identity Social empathy/social personal interest Escapism This may be more relevant to a short film project, however in our music video there will still be a strong element of narrative and despite the fact we are using song, we have chosen a song which tells a very clear story from start to finish.