When you look at your target audience, you need to recognise
and adapt to the way they think, the consumer theorem. A few examples include
"The entire world's a stage and the men and the women
are merely players."-This states that the audience is heavily manipulated
and brainwashed to buy certain products, join certain trends, and perform
activities they wouldn’t normally do. This could be used in something as
harmless as product advertising, but also something as dangerous as politician
THE HYPODERMIC SYRINGE “The media is like a syringe which
injects ideas, attitudes and beliefs into the audience who as a powerless mass,
have little choice but to accept.” We get ideas about life from the things we
watch, for example someone who watched something violent might go do something
THE CULMINATION THEORY Watching one violent movie won’t
affect or influence us, but years and years of watching violent material will
make you less sensitive to violence, even to the point of embracing it.
TWO STEP FLOW Another argument suggests that the average
human will experience a media product on their own, but will then join a mass
group to discuss what they watched, and share opinions, which in turn can
influence people in their own opinions about the piece.
USES AND GRATIFICATION THEORY We make the choices about what
we watch, we also have certain expectations, we expect to be gratified by what
we have watched. The types are as followed... Information Entertainment
Personal identity Social empathy/social personal interest Escapism This may be
more relevant to a short film project, however in our music video there will
still be a strong element of narrative and despite the fact we are using song,
we have chosen a song which tells a very clear story from start to finish.
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