Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Initial Idea Trailer

My first idea was to do a trailer for the entire film of our film opening, Justified Sins HD.

The trailer would begin of flashes of the opening, in slow motion, including the scream and me running. After each flash, the screen would slowly fade to black, then the next one would start.  During this flashes I would be talking about revenge. At the end of the flashes, It would show me sharpening a knife. Cut to onscreen text "What would you do for revenge?

The trailer then cuts to me chasing someone, and a screams can be heard. Another cut to me grappling someone Shouting 'where is he?'. Antother cut to a man warming me "Your going too far", then another cut to me ina fight, followe dby a cut back to the man sayign "Your gonna lose yourself"

Fade to black, with the text 'Revenge Corrupts' on screen for 3 seconds, followed by the title 'Justified Sins' then followed by the release date.

Initial Idea Short Film

A  man opens a book (possibly a bible) , then starts to say the lords prayer. A series of events of life, in chronalogical order from cradle to grave, is then played out, with the lords prayer being said in the background, a line said by each of the actors. After this is done, the scene would return to the man reading the book (or bible) who would then say the last line of the lords prayer and close the book, with a zoom out showing him teaching kids in a  field.

We would need alot of actors for this idea, but I think with the right planning, we could pull it off.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Review of Skills

What do you think your best skills are?

I think I my main skill area is planning and designing. I consider myself able to express my ideas and opinions and make sure they are heard, I am also good at makign sure everything is planned to the smallest detail. Both of these skills are indespensible in a project, as without planning any task is extremely prone to failure. I also believe that my teamwork skills are something to promote Iswell.

What skills do you need to further develop?

I believe the main area of improvement for me is my timekeeping skills. Although not lacking enough to ruin any projects performed so far, having a  better ability level in this area would considerable help our work, especially duringgroup work, where others are relying on you to keep up with whatever task you have been asigned with. I also believe my camera skills leave something to be desired.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Video: Genres and Ideas

In the video work, we have to make sure we can make an effective video for our selected gerne. Therefore choosing the right genre is essential. You also have to make sure your video is effective in three areas, Creativity, technical and correctness.

I believe making a Techno dance music video would be really effective in my situation, as I can get access to a nightclub setting on demand. I can also get enough actors to act as dancers, creating a discoey theme and feel. I beliebe this would be a really effective music video.

Short Films

What are Short Films

A short film is a film considered too short to be a feature film, generally the peak being 40-45 minutes (which includes credits). The main aim of a short film is to generally provide a message or lesson in the form of a film, or provide quick entertainment for something that would drag on in a  feature film. Short films are generally used as fillers, both on tv and in movies.

Short films are very useful to new producers. They can use short films to get into the movie industry, because they are cheap and easy to make, and can show the companies skills in move making in a short amount of time. Short films get mainly shown at film festivals, but some get shown in cinemas as well.

Important facts about short films

Short films main aim is to provide a message to the viewers in a most entertaining and creative way as possible, although in most cases entertainment is sacrificed for creativity.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Current Skills

Skills Learnt

I believe that the last year has helped me develop a variety of skills, as well as some new ones too. My research skills  developed in a way that shows that I can get the right information from people while being quick and straight to the point. I also believe my time managing skills have significantly increased, as working as a group required me to keep up with the rest of the group, in both group tasks and updating personal work and my blog. The classwork we did prior to the start of our coursework helped me a lot in defining shot types and camera techniques, as well as terminology and editing. It also give me essential experience in filming and operating a camera, and although I didn't film our movie opening for our AS coursework, I was able to suggest a variety of ideas to help make the filming better, and I can use this in my A2 coursework to either help with the filming, or film my own video if I work alone or take the role as director in a group.

The AS coursework provided a lot of experience in managing and creating a short movie, including planning (storyboards, costumes, props and locations) filming the footage, and editing (credits, cropping, on screen edits and sound). This experience will help me understand the process in making a video, and will help me cause less basic mistakes. My acting in the movie will help me should I become another actor, as I now understand how I portray onto the camera.

Skills to Develop

The past year has also given me a insight into what I need to improve in order to make my A2 coursework.  I have learned that my research needs to be more varied, and cover a lot more areas, as this will help make sure everything is ready for the actual filming. This will be especially important if I work on my own, as I wont be able to rely on  others for the information. Another thing I need to imporve on is the accuracy of my work. Last year had a very fast time schedule, and falling behind proved to be a big disadvantage, as the workload piled up. This mainly happened  because of slight errors in our plans, causing us to repeat certain steps over and over until they were correctly done. To stop this this year, I will take my time and make sure to proof read all my plans before putting them into motion, so I dont have to continually backtrack and waste time. A third skill I can improve on is my precision with a camera. I need to work on what shot suits what situation, where to put the camera and how to move it correctly. This could prove to be cardinal if I am working alone.

ALthough working asd a group could be slightly improved, due to the chance that i may be working alone, this skill may become dispensable, and thus improving this skill may be a unnecessary waste of time.