Tuesday 28 June 2011

Initial Idea Trailer

My first idea was to do a trailer for the entire film of our film opening, Justified Sins HD.

The trailer would begin of flashes of the opening, in slow motion, including the scream and me running. After each flash, the screen would slowly fade to black, then the next one would start.  During this flashes I would be talking about revenge. At the end of the flashes, It would show me sharpening a knife. Cut to onscreen text "What would you do for revenge?

The trailer then cuts to me chasing someone, and a screams can be heard. Another cut to me grappling someone Shouting 'where is he?'. Antother cut to a man warming me "Your going too far", then another cut to me ina fight, followe dby a cut back to the man sayign "Your gonna lose yourself"

Fade to black, with the text 'Revenge Corrupts' on screen for 3 seconds, followed by the title 'Justified Sins' then followed by the release date.

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