Sunday 13 May 2012

Evaluation: Audience Feedback

Question: What have you learnt from our audience Feedback?

In the music world, there is nothing more important in your career than your audience, your fans. Listening to what they have to say is critical to becoming the greatest artist you can be. After all our advertising, we believe our audience gave suitable feedback to know we are on the right track with our work, and that they enjoy it. We advertised our music video on facebook, youtube and twitter, and immediately allowed people to comment on our work and give us both positive and negative pointers on everything we do, from the music video, to our Digipak, to everything else we do with our band and company.

Our facebook page

Our comments and feedback have been guinely positive with our work. Alot of people believe our video was well made, and were shocked by how good it did look.

Youtube comments

After viewing these comments, I can tell that our video was praised by our audience, and we recieved generally positive feedback. Our fans also gave great ways on how to improve our work, as shown below

This helpes us to improve, and shows ways we worked well together and ways we didn't. Using this will help us improve our next piece of work.

Here is another example of praise.

Overall, our fans have been a great help in evaluating our musical performance. Thanks to them, we belive that we have created a really good musc video, with mistakes such as music syncing not being a problem at all, as well as really good camera shots. And the critism we recieved will help us when making future videos, which will hopefully attract more fans. And in this way, we can keep improving and keep tailouring to the guys that keep us going, and could prove to be a pinnacle part of our bands development

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